The Garden of The Mystery of Life Semi-Private Gardens Glendale

The Garden of The Mystery of Life is the second Distinction brand property developed in our Glendale Memorial Park and offers a mix of property types for both traditional and cremation burial. This enchanted garden resides at the top of the park, parallel to both the prestigious Court of David and the locked, private garden named The Gardens of Memory.

The premier Distinction garden development, The Garden of the Mystery of Life, offers a rich mix of distinguished memorial properties. Eleven, eight-capacity semi-private gardens are found throughout this premier development.  Five are along the perimeter of the garden and include a soft curved wall backdrop, raised planters and walkways setting them apart from the main garden area. Four other gardens are radially placed along a low curved wall that frames the namesake statuary group, The Mystery of Life. The final two gardens are set along the side of the garden walls with prominence and ample garden landscaping.  Each of these gardens are eight capacity and create a premium family legacy.

Memorial Properties:

Semi-Private Gardens- Map E78

  • DM # 676
  • DM # 678
  • DM # 679
  • DM # 682
  • DM # 684
  • DM # 685
  • DM # 686